There are different Ways to make money today. Now, making money online is what everybody is gunning for. Yes, M.M.O(Making Money Online). Back at the days, people had this issue for money making online, because there weren't trusted means to retrieve money that easily online. But thanks to pay-pal and some trusted means today, making money online is now on top of the class. But the question arise, how can you make money online?
As I said earlier, there are many ways to earn money online these days but being an affiliate online is now the best method you can ever think of to make money online.They are many and much sites which offers affiliate marketing business. But, my focus here is going to be Share A sale.Share a Sale is a company which also provides or gives the opportunity for people to be an affiliate online. Mostly in this market, you must get some people to advertise for. And these people are called Merchants. So, maybe, some company wants help selling his products, therefore, you just have to render your service by advertising their products (through social networks, blogs, etc). By doing so you would get something called an affiliate link (this link contains your ID which means anyone who is able to buy from the merchant, you will be given a commission. Yes, your first income online.
In Share A Sale, you do not have to look for merchants, thousands of merchants are presented before you with high commissions. All you got to do is let them believe your platform is fit for the job and you are not spam by writing e-mails to them. No skills needed to start earning. You just have to do it and do it well depending on your advertising platforms.
In Share a sale, merchant finding is very easy. You don't need to go to an external website before you will be presented with merchants. Just the homepage of the affiliates after you have logged in, you will find thousands of merchants which you can choose according to their categories or better still, click on the search for merchants tab on the top of your share a sale page (your dashboard).HOW TO CONVINCE MERCHANTS TO HIRE YOU
This is not that easy as it seems but convincing merchants to hire you is one of the hard processes. Just do as listed and you should get as many merchants as you want.1. Personalize your mail.
2. When being asked the site to advertise with, you have to mention the exact site you used when signing up with share a sale. Otherwise, many merchants will notice
you as spam.
3. Know your limits: Make sure to only apply for things in your industry. If your site talks about something outside the category you've chosen to apply for, revert
the application. Maybe your site emphasizes on solving problems in tech (I.C.T) in this situation, don't apply for companies looking for people to advertise products like
cloths, accessories, etc. Bear in mind that most merchants visit the site you are gunning to use to promote their products.
4. First impression counts: Make sure to start talking a bit about yourself and the experiences you have in affiliate marketing. If you have none, I suggest applying
for companies that gives low commission for the mean time.
Share A Sale pays through checks and direct money transfer(depending on your locality). No limitations, they render services worldwide.So what are you waiting for?
Click the sign up button now and go see for yourself. You will not believe it unless you see for yourself. Millions of people are enjoying and making huge some of money
from this.