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How To Tell If Your Jaw Is Out Of Line

If you answer yes to the following questions, it may be that you have jaw disease or your joint is out of line.

1. Place your fingers on the sides of your face just in front of each ear, where you can feel your temporomandibular joints. Now open and close your mouth several times. Do you notice a clicking, cracking, or popping in the joints?

2. Next place the ends of your little fingers greatly in each ear, pressing them forward toward the front of the ear. Again, open and close your mouth. You should feel your jaw bone pushing against your fingers. Is it more noticeable on one side than the other? Does it hurt to do this? 

3. Do you sometimes have difficulty opening your mouth, or do you experience pain when opening it wide?

4. Do you have tenderness or pain in your jaw or face or around the ears?

5. Do you have a pain when chewing or yawning?

6. Do you clench or grind your teeth in your sleep? (An indication that you do is awareness of sore or tired jaws when you wake up.)

7. Do your jaws get stuck so that you can not open or close your mouth?

If you answer yes to all these or majority of the questions, don't hesitate to see a dentist. 

Let me know in the comments what your answer is if you don't mind.

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