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Gossip | How To Avoid Hurting Yourself And Others


As long as there are people, there will be gossip. Even the perfect new world prophesied about in the Bible will likely not be gossip free. Informal, casual talk about friends and acquaintances is an integral part of the way we communicate with one another and maintain healthy relationships.

Nevertheless, there is never an excuse for hurtful, malicious gossip, or slander! That kind of talk injures and maims; it may even ruin lives, relationships, and reputations. So how can you avoid stepping over the line of propriety and indulging in harmful gossip? How might you protect yourself from it?

Bite your tongue: It has been said that "conversation is an exercise of the tongue." Really, most injurious speech reflects, not malice, but a failure to think before speaking. Some blab the business of others; they spice, exaggerate, and distort with little thought to the consequences. They expose to others the fault of their friends, mates, and children without even discerning the damage they inflict.

Think before you speak. Think before you say something about someone else. Ask yourself: would I repeat it in the person's presence? How would I feel if this was said about me?

Admittedly, there may be circumstances in which biting your tongue may prove to be almost impossible. For example, you may have strong suspicions of serious wrongdoing committed against you or your family. You may not have any proof, but you feel the need to do something about it. Would it be slanderous to talk about it with a trusted friend or someone in authority. Are you a malicious gossiper if you approach someone for advice? Clearly not. Of course, good judgment and balance are vital when handling such delicate situations.

Do not listen to hurtful gossip: what would happen to "big mouths", if there were no "big ears"? Those who are constantly engaged in foolish talk are only part of the problem; those who take delight in paying attention are also accountable. Simply listening may constitute your silent approval and contribute to the spread of hurtful gossip.

So when talk someone gets out of hand, you may have to show some courage and say, "let's change the subject the subject." And if your present circle of friends prove incurable prone to engage in harmful gossip, you may even have to consider finding new associates. It is just a matter of time before you become the topic for discussion.

Do not overreact to gossip: Most people enjoy gossip as long as the gossip is not about them. On the other hand, suppose you are the victim of an ugly rumor of false story. Sometimes it is possible to track down the source of the story and calmly straighten matters out. But what if if you cannot?
Your getting angry accomplishes nothing. Indeed, he that is quick to anger will commit foolishness. Gossip is a fact of life, and at one time or another, you have probably been an active participant in it yourself. Is the matter really worth getting upset over? Will it most likely fade away after a while? There is a time to laugh and perhaps showing that you have a sense of humor, laughing it off would be the best way to extinguish the rumor.

Do not add fuel to fire: if the story simply refuses to die, ask yourself: "Could it be that I am giving others a reason to gossip? Am I perhaps behaving in a questionable manner giving the appearance of wrongdoing?

If you are the victim of malicious gossip, it may thus prove helpful to determine if your behavior, your manner of dealing with others, even your dress and grooming, are in some way adding fuel to the fire. Perhaps some adjustments in your lifestyle would squelch the rumors. "Where there is no wood the fire goes out." Besides, if your actions are close to the borderline of impropriety, there is always the real danger of actually slipping into wrongdoing - making what was once a rumor a reality.

Mind Your Own Business

Gossip is here to stay. However, it must be respected for its potentially destructive power. You can avoid much heartache and grief for yourself and others. 

Show an interest in others, but do so in a kindly, dignified way. Thus, you will stay clear of malicious, harmful gossip. Let me know in the comments section how this article has helped you.

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